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NEWPORT FOG (2014) - for jazz septet

Premiere: Miami FL, April 1st, 2014


Duration:  ca. 14 min


Program Note:


On an overcast, foggy August weekend in 2012, I attended the Newport Jazz Festival in Rhode Island. The festival is situated in an island fort surrounded on all sides by pristine harbors, historical lighthouses, and monumental bridges. One central bridge crosses from the mainland to the island, which you can see from the field in front of the main concert stage. The grand bridge often would be intermittently veiled by a sheet of fog, often becoming completely invisible. This effect was completely different when driving on the bridge, when nothing was visible but the cars in front of you and the sides of the road. This work is inspired by the bridge appearing and disappearing in the fog, as represented in the piece by the floaty introduction and interludes, and also represents the thunderous architecture of the bridge, with trucks and cars pounding over it in a relentless up-tempo swing. You intermittently leave the mystical world of fog into a zooming cacophony of moving vehicles. 

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