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PANDEMIC POEMS AND PIECES (2020-2021) - for piano

Premiere: Virtual premieres, April 2020 - July 2021. Live premiere, January 2022 at CU Pendulum. Funded by a CU Boulder Center for Humanities Shelter in Place Micro-Grant



I. Conventional Lemon

II. How it Looks at 2 AM

III. A List, A Menu, A Snack

IV. News

V. Masked in the Rocky Mountains

VI. In the Dark at Caribou Ranch

VII. On an Empty Road in the Desert


Program Note:


Pandemic Poems and Pieces is a collaboration between pianist/poet Maggie Hinchliffe and composer Ben Morris during the 2020-2021 Coronavirus Pandemic. Maggie's poetry depicts various experiences living in quarantine, from ordering groceries online in pajamas to hiking socially distanced in the desert. Ben's accompanying piano miniatures reflect the spirit and imagery of each of the poems.


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